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原文来自CharlieHipHop的博文“Nobody Hates You Like a Jilted Lover, BlackBerry“,版权归原博主所有。本文由@一叶轻舟到天崖编译,未经书面许可,严禁以任何方式或方法全部或部分转发或分发本文编译内容。本文不代表本站和编译者的立场或意见,仅供参考。





我没有忠诚于某一个公司或某一品牌的喜好。过去两年里我赞美BlackBerry都赞美到天上去了,无情地捍卫BlackBerry的各种不靠谱,对抗那些在Twitter上认为iPhone是人类成就巅峰之作的靠嘴呼吸的家伙们,原因是我热爱BlackBerry的技术。我很欣赏BlackBerry 10系统的先进性,它让我的生活更美好,它让我更加有条理性。它让我的音乐更好听(不是我制作的音乐,而是我听的音乐)。它让我很容易地分享我想分享给的人(和谁也不分享),还能保护那些我不愿意分享的隐私。它稳定、迅速、有趣,我真的感激那些为创造这不可思议地手机付出所有天赋和努力工作的人们,因为它无缝链接到我的MacBook、汽车、电视,整体上提高了我生活的方方面面。

没错,我是一个发烧友,也是一个传播者。我认为如果有更多人口袋里有这种力量,那么世界将变得更好。人们看电视里的催眠广告,购买广告告诉他们去买的东西,我认为那很悲哀。公关公司能通过那些他们尚未纠结地尝试的“科技博客”技术来阻碍科技的进度,那将是非常悲哀的。你不得不用废话来把玩它,你不能只用几张快照和鹦鹉学舌的说那些公关公司种植的故事点的废话。BlackBerry 10技术遭受到如此的无情攻击,那真是一个该死的滑稽方式… 我离题了(一如既往)…



相信我,如果你在用Android,那你生活的一切都将没有隐私。Google正在吞噬一切,并将你的生活变成它矩阵里的一个像素而已。 So fuck Android.如果因为采用Android而放弃BB10,那Fuck BlackBerry。


让我说的更清楚点:如果BlackBerry想成为另一个失败者,缺乏创新、缺乏创意、墨守陈规的Android OEM厂商,如果他们继续让BB10活下去的话,我没问题。我知道大多数人都他妈的白痴。我知道大多数人认为不得不用五个应用来给会议添加文件并通知参会者是一件很酷的事情…或者大多数人压根不关心,因为对他们而言那太难了。他们只想傻傻的玩糖果游戏或者要玩什么游戏。我明白了,是的。大多数人都处于弱智的临界点,如果你要卖给他们机器,就必须得在一定程度上迎合他们。



———————————————————————————————————————-(以 下为原文内容,稍后将陆续提供人工翻译内容,请包涵。)


  • There is no back-end. BlackBerry gets no cut of Play Store sales. They get no slice of hotel reservations made through a non-existent BlackBerry Travel app. They get nada after the original sale. It’s all for Google.
  • It costs money and will continue to cost money to develop for this crap OS. BlackBerry has promised monthly updates for the Priv. So you get no back-end, but you have to keep supporting the (few) devices you sell. At least other Android OEMs are smart enough to not bother updating once they’ve got the cash.
  • BlackBerry is alienating its core customers. I’m a case in point. We got an update for BBM recently. Guess what? The fucking Android version had features that we did not get on BB10. They’ve probably sold 1/50th as many Privs as BB10 devices at this point. Jerks.
  • BlackBerry already has a better product. The money that was spent on Android could have been used promoting BB10 or updating the Android runtime in BB10. 90+ percent of Android apps work very well already. Plus we have many excellent BlackBerry apps. How is Android + BlackBerry < Android? The app argument was always complete BS, and BlackBerry should have fought that perception. Instead they threw up the white flag.

HTC doesn’t make money with Android (They post a miniscule profit thanks to their cheap Windows phones). LG doesn’t make money with Android. Sony doesn’t make money with Android. Samsung barely makes money and only because they spend billions of dollars on hypnotic TV ads, and even that’s starting to not work too well for them. Just how in the hell does BlackBerry think it’s going to make money with Android, especially given their allergy to advertising! Didn’t anybody at BlackBerry bother to see what a miserable failure of a profit maker Android is for other OEMs before they decided to jump into that game?

So, yeah, as an investor, I’m pissed off. I hope the Priv does well. I really do. There are few things in this world I hate doing more than selling a stock at a loss.

If anybody at BlackBerry is reading and has half a brain, please just do one thing and keep BB10 alive. Ride the mindshare from the Priv to increased BB10 sales.

Should BlackBerry release no further BB10 devices, I will use this Passport until it no longer works. Then I’ll buy a used one. By then, I hope, something better than iOS or Android will have come along. But I will not buy another new BlackBerry, not if it’s running Google’s privacy-invading Trojan horse of a “free” OS.

My love affair with BlackBerry may be over. Time will tell.


#IChooseBlackBerry 10#Coz it is not only a phone,but also a life way!

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